Micromanagers: Flushing Companies Down the Toilet, One Detail at a Time

Jul 30, 2014 | Diversity and Inclusion

We frequently work with leaders who have significant trust and/or control issues, but don’t realize it.  These individuals are prone to micromanaging because they fear failure.  In our experience, subordinates interpret micromanagement as discriminatory behavior based on visible differences.  While this is certainly the case at times, more often the behavior has nothing to do with the subordinate’s qualities, but rather the leader’s insecurities.

If you suspect that you are one of these micromanagers, Inclusity’s in-depth sessions can provide you the self-awareness, coaching support, and motivation to change this behavior.  We do this is in a safe, confidential environment that is conducive to self-disclosure and individual growth and development.

Check out this article: Micromanagers: Flushing Companies Down the Toilet, One Detail at a Time by Jessica Marie

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