Conscious Inclusion Workshop

A fresh, interactive approach to inclusion training

Look differently at diversity in this three-hour introductory training

Attending your workshop continues to have on impact on how I experience others. In fact, I had several “a-ha” moments during the interactive training exercises and continue to incorporate these life lessons into my daily life.

Conscious Inclusion Workshop Particiapnt

Take a closer look at how you define yourself, what connects you to others, and why it’s important to recognize and value these aspects. Learn how to recognize and manage biases and what actions can help you be more intentionally inclusive.

We actively work to make everyone feel safe and welcome, encouraging meaningful discussions that deepen awareness. Our high-energy, interactive approach connects participants and creates a fun environment for learning and growth.

After attending this training, participants have committed to improving collaboration and engagement throughout their companies. Attendees have also committed to learning more about their co-workers’ experiences and working consciously toward a safer and more welcoming atmosphere in the workplace.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Understand what unconscious bias is and how it affects culture
  • Discover the links among diversity, inclusion and bias
  • Explore the science of bias
  • Examine the impact of unconscious bias and its resulting behaviors at your organization
  • Gain practical tips to increase inclusion